The success of an Internet site is often linked with its content and with often pricey advertising campaigns through various channels. Despite the fact that what you have and how you advertise it may have a direct impact on how popular your site is, there're a few more things you will be able to do regarding the user experience that may also help you get more traffic. We have included several handy instruments in the Hepsia internet hosting Control Panel that you could use so as to boost the popularity of your Internet sites by focusing on different target groups, increasing the site ranking in search engines, etcetera. The instruments have a very easy-to-use interface, so you will be able to take advantage of them without any difficulty even in case you lack prior experience.

Marketing Tools in Shared Hosting

One of the important instruments that comes with the shared hosting plans is our sitemap generator. Having a sitemap is crucial nowadays and not only will it enable users to discover content on your website without difficulty, but it will also be used by search engines like google in order to index your content better and to follow any Internet site updates. You'll be able to select what content and how many links within the site to be indexed and the output file will be search engine friendly. In addition, you can also use a GeoIP tool which will redirect visitors to various landing pages in accordance with their geolocation, that can be very helpful if you have localized websites. Such an attribute can popularize your website in different regions around the globe and enhance the user experience. Since it really is essential that your potential customers follow what's new, you may also use the RSS feed tool which will allow you to publish news from your website or related third-party sources.

Marketing Tools in Semi-dedicated Servers

As all semi-dedicated server plans which we offer include Hepsia, you will be able to take full advantage of all the software instruments that we have integrated in this Control Panel. Through the sitemap generator, you'll be able to create a sitemap that can include any type of content that you pick. You can also pick how many links has to be indexed and what number of levels down the web pages they should go. The sitemap will allow both site visitors and search engines to find any kind of content on your site easier. In addition, search engines will index all updates that you make much faster, so having a sitemap can improve the ranking of your Internet site. We also supply a GeoIP option and an RSS feed instrument which will contribute to an even better user experience. The former enables you to reroute visitors to localized webpages, that will make your site popular in different countries, while the latter permits you to publish news and updates that subscribers can read on their home PC or phone.

Marketing Tools in VPS Servers

As Hepsia is one of the possibilities for the hosting Control Panel with all our VPS server solutions, you shall be able to use our tools if you pick it throughout the signup process. The most helpful instrument is our sitemap generator since not only will it enable you to make a detailed sitemap that your site visitors can use to browse through your content, but it will also boost the position of your sites in search engines. The generator creates a file in search engine friendly format, so your content will be indexed quicker and better, particularly if you revise it frequently. We also provide several instruments which will enhance the user experience of your website visitors. With the GeoIP feature in Hepsia you'll be able to use localized versions of your sites and reroute visitors to a selected page based on where they are situated, that can make your websites more popular among regional communities. The RSS Feed instrument will make it easier to post various news related to your sites and users who sign up will be able to read your posts on their phones or computer systems.

Marketing Tools in Dedicated Servers

We provide Hepsia with all our web hosting plans, therefore in case you need a dedicated server for your websites, you will still be able to use the instruments which we have included in our custom-made Control Panel. Creating a sitemap for any of your websites, for example, will be very easy with the intuitive generator that you will find in Hepsia. With only a couple of clicks you will be able to choose what amount of links and what website content to be included, so not only will website visitors discover instantly what they need, but search engines like google will also index your content better and will keep up to date with all the Internet site updates that you perform. Two other useful options that you will also find in Hepsia are the GeoIP redirection and the RSS feed tools. They will boost the overall user experience of your site visitors, which in turn will make these website visitors return to your website. The first option will enable you to maintain different landing websites and reroute visitors depending on their physical location. Without a doubt, localized pages can significantly raise the popularity of your sites among local communities. The second option will give you the opportunity to publish various news that subscribers can receive in their favorite RSS reader on their smartphone or personal computer.